Tights Obsession

Confession, sometimes I tend to get obsessed with things.. and lately I've been really loving tights! They add so much fun to an otherwise basic outfit and they're perfect for fall! Basically they're just the best, must-have accessory. I keep adding to my collection, yesterday I spontaneously bought two more pairs! Eventually I want my collection to look something like this:

(I found this pic on pinterest. remember how I'm obsessed?)

I love all the heels in this photo too! Just an awesome photo all around. Yesterday I bought the turquoise tights I'm wearing in these photos, and some essential dot tights like the ones I've been seeing all season. I couldn't wait to try them out!

I decided to pair my new tights with my oxfords and a recently purchased and instant favorite dress of mine. It's so flowy and easy to pair with anything. I found it on the sale rack at papaya for $15!! It was discounted because it was missing a button in the back but it came with extra buttons. All I had to do was sew an included button on and I got an amazing deal! I love it when things like that happen.

Well, I should probably get off the computer now. We're going to a haunted corn maze tonight with some friends. I'm so excited to finally do something Halloween-y! (I have to work all night on Monday, so sad). Before we go I need to go find some gloves, it's  been super cold here lately!
P.S. Later on in the night I added a scarf to my ensemble which I loved. Im sad I don't have a pic of it.

outfit details: dress via papaya, tights via forever21, shoes via forever young shoes, bracelet via stella&dot


A Moab Wedding

Ok, before I start this post, bear with me, it's going to be a bit of a picture overload. I tried to narrow it down but there's still quite a few... This last weekend Ethan and I took a trip down to Moab to attend a wedding. My Uncle found a wonderful woman and has an undying love for Moab so they decided it would be the perfect place to get hitched. The ceremony was held under the Sand Dune Arch in Arches National Park.
  the ceremony at Sand Dune Arch, the bride and groom (this beautiful photo isn't mine)
        The ceremony was beautiful against the red rock. Afterwards we had dinner at Sunset Grill which is set up on cliff with a long steep driveway leading up to it. It was a pretty cool place and Ethan of course enjoyed the drive up.
We were all asked to wear black, red or white. This is what I came up with. I kind of pulled it all together last minute but I like the way it turned out. It wasn't hard for Ethan to fit the dress code because half his clothes are black anyway!
Ya, it's a pretty blurry pic, but this is the only             Ethan lookin' sharp!
one with my eyes open. typical me ;)

Not the best shoe choice for the location, but super cute!

Before heading back home on Sunday, we decided to explore Moab a little more. We found the neatest little rock shop just off the main road. They had every rock you could imagine and tons of antiques on display.
                            In front of the shop.                             Museum area.

They even had a little corner of the shop dedicated as a museum. The ceiling was lined with  rusty old mining lanterns and they sold even more rocks in front of the shop. 
 unpolished rocks for sale outside the shop.

A few of my choices. I ended up buying
a couple to use for future necklaces.

After visiting the rock shop and looking at a couple other shops on the main road we headed back to Arches National Park and explored a little before finally heading home. It was a little trip. We hope to be back to Moab in the future so we can spend more time exploring. There's tons of hikes and shops and beautiful red rocks and sand. You can even go river rafting!

In front of a Native American shop with some pretty turquoise sculptures, Ethan at the start of the Sand Dune Arch trail.

Well, that's it for tonight. Ethan just got off and we're going to watch a scary movie in the spirit of Halloween which is coming up soon! I love them and he hates them but I still end up being more scared than him, haha. We'll see how it goes!
Oh, I almost forgot. Outfit details!
outfit 1: dress via urban wear, bike shorts and shoes via wet seal, shawl via ross(found it last second for $7!)
outfit 2: t-shirt via target, skirt via papaya, bike shorts via wet seal, necklace via forever21, bracelet via stella&dot.?


layers and leaves

Hello! Its very late/early right now but I can't sleep so I'm writing this post. Today I finally got the chance to take pics just as the sun was going down! There's a gorgeous area right above my parent's house in the foothills that has the perfect leaves right now, so I got Ethan to do a little off-roading (which he enjoyed) and snap some pics.
This outfit was just me having fun throwing things together and adding lots of layers. I love layering in the fall! It adds interest and fun to basic pieces.
This scarf is my favorite! I love the texture to it. I wasn't so sure how the leg warmers would fit with the whole outfit, but I hadn't worn them yet and wanted to try them out!

On another note, tonight was great! We both had the night off and spent it with an old friend just watching comedy bits and the "hipster movie" Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which actually turned out to be pretty entertaining. Tomorrow is our last day of house sitting and we're headed to Moab for my Uncle's wedding! Wahoo!, Road trip! We have to wake up early to clean and pack so we can start the drive down. I'll probably just stay up all night at this point.. I had some caffeine which I'm super sensitive to, so I don't see sleep happening.

outfit details:
chiffon top via rue21
sweater, leggings, shoes and necklace via forever21
scarf via tai pan trading
belt via modcloth
legwarmers via the childrens place (I work there and thought they were cute, haha.)


Photo Shoot Fun

Ugh. Monday. Back to work. At least it's a short week! I have the weekend to look forward to! My Uncle's getting married on saturday in Moab so Ethan and I took the weekend off to drive down and stay overnight. At least we get somewhat of a vacation...right? I'm still trying to decide what to wear to the wedding. They asked us to wear red, black or white (for pictures). I have the perfect scarlet dress but I'm still figuring out how to style it and stick with the colors they asked us to wear.
So, I had the cutest outfit idea today, but the sunlight was gone before I knew it so I didn't get the chance to take pics. It'll have to wait for tomorrow. Until then, I thought I'd share some more pics from the photo shoot I did with Nicole (my baby sister). The pic in my first post is from the same shoot. We had so much fun and took WAY too many shots!! Here are a few of my faves:)

outfit details:
outfit 1- dress and cardigan via modcloth, tights and shoes via forever21
outfit 2- tunic/dress via modcloth, lace sweater via rue21, leggings via papaya, shoes via forever young shoes


Craft Sunday - elbow patch DIY!!

So, it's sunday, which is oh. so. great. because it's my first day off in a couple weeks! Wahoo! This week me and Ethan are house/dog sitting for my parents while they're in disneyworld (so not fair!). Most of the day we've been lounging around watching tv and relaxing in the hot tub (it's nice pretending to live here-haha. much more luxurious than our one bedroom apartment)

My mom's adorable puppy, peanut.

Sundays are usually the designated craft day and even though there's no one here to craft with today I still had to have a project! I get most of my ideas off pinterest (surprise!) and this one's no exception. I've been obsessing over elbow patches lately and I was ecstatic when I found this awesome, easy tutorial for upcycling a sweater with cute heart elbow patches. When I followed the link I found out it's from one of my favorite blogs; A Beautiful Mess. Even better.

All you need is a sweater/cardigan, a little fabric, scissors, cardstock (to make a stencil), a marker, a few pins, and a needle and thread. No sewing machine required! You can follow the link for the full tutorial, but here's a quick breakdown of the steps-complete with pics! :)

step 1: mark an 'X' on the point of your elbow
step 2: cut a heart out of the cardstock and make sure it fits on the sleeve
step 3: use the stencil to cut out your fabric
step 4: pin the fabric hearts on each sleeve, over the 'X'
step 5: sew on your heart patches and you're done!
the finished product!
I love my new elbow patch sweater! :D


first post.

dress via modcloth, cardigan via mocloth, tights via forever21, shoes via forever21

Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog! I've been thinking of starting one for a while, I follow a few really great fashion blogs and it's something I've wanted to do myself. Although I mainly wanted to create a personal style blog I also wanted to include other things I love, like makeup, music, crafts, and adventures with my hubby. So this blog will be a little bit of everything!

 My baby sister (an aspiring photographer) took the photo above and I just love the way it turned out! She definately has some skill.

 I love dresses I think the most of any clothing item and this one is one of my favorites. I love the feminine and vintage feel it gives with the flowers and peter pan collar. I'm also obsessed with tights for fall! They're great for transitioning from summer to fall and they come in so many fun colors! I love what they add to an outfit.

Ok, so a little bit about me; my name is Jessica but I mostly go by Jessi or sometimes Jess. I'm 21 years old and living in Pleasant Grove, Utah with my hubby of 1 year (best friend for 3), Ethan. We're still in that "honeymoon phase" and I hope it lasts forever! I love him so much and I feel like the luckiest girl to have found him so early in life. I can't imagine it without him!

 I have some schooling under my belt, although I've hit a fork in the road where I have to decide what my major will be, which is, impossible... In a dream world I'd like a career doing something in fashion or makeup but I can't really see the reality in that right now. For now I'm just working 2 jobs in retail (which sometimes drives me crazy!)

 In my spare time I love shopping, coming up with new outfits, experimenting with makeup, discovering new indie bands, finding crafty ideas on pinterest (my guilty obsession)  and most of all going on adventures with Ethan; we always have so much fun together!

That's all I can think of for now..if you have any questions feel free to ask!

P.S. The name for the blog actually came from something my mom said once while describing someone on the street corner. I just kind of liked the way she phrased it and it stuck with me. Kinda funny huh?


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