2012: A Year in Review

Well, today is the very last day of 2012. 
Before I ring in the New Year with refreshed hope and new inspiration, I thought I'd share a recap of my first year of blogging. (technically I started this blog Oct. 2011 so it's been just over a year)
I've picked a favorite post from each month of 2012 - here's to another adventurous year of blogging! 
  jan / feb / mar / apr
 may / jun / jul / aug
sep / oct / nov / dec

I'm excited for a new year and a new outlook! My goals for the blog this year are polishing my photography skills (and learning to use my brand new DSLR), having a steady blogging schedule, and livening up the blog design!

Most of all, I'd just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to all my amazing readers! It means so much to me that you're along for the journey with me! Whether you've been here since the beginning or you just started to follow along I'm so happy you're here!


(I'm @ Room334)

Hey lovelies, happy friday!
Today I'm guest posting for Elana over at Room 334. Here's a preview of my festive outfit.


A Night at the Nutcracker

How was everyone's Christmas?! I hope it was wonderful and happy. Mine definitely was! I spent it surrounded with lots of family. We're lucky to have so much of both our families nearby. My BIG present was the DSLR camera I've been eyeing. I couldn't be more excited!!! Now I can officially be a "real blogger" Haha :)
I figured I'd add to my last post and share a few more photos from our night at the Nutcracker and out to see the lights at Temple Square. (since I've been busy and didn't have a post planned)
(my lovely sisters, me and the Hubby after the ballet)
(the whole family - minus my mom the photographer - at temple square)
It was Ethan's first time at the ballet! He didn't appreciate the men-in-tights so much. He wore his glasses so he'd be able to see the stage better but ended up taking them off so 'ahem' things wouldn't be so....defined. Yep. I laughed. A lot.
And here's a few more photos of my lovely dress. Just because I'm so smitten. Someone asked on the last post, and yes, this IS the pretty vintage velvet dress I bought from etsy earlier in the month.

Outfit Details:
Tights - Target
Heels - Sears
Earrings - J Crew

P.S. I'm also posting at Flock Together today! COME VISIT ME :)


Merry & Bright

Merry Christmas Everyone!! Hope you're all having a wonderful Christmas Eve surrounded by all the people who make you happy! I might go MIA for a couple days....
Just wanted to wish you the happiest of holidays and share a few photos from Saturday night. After watching the Nutcracker (which was amazing as always) we visited beautiful Temple Square and admired all the pretty lights!
P.S. I'm also over at Flock Together today. We did a Secret Santa Exchange and I LOVE the dress I got from Katie. - It's actually quite similar to this one!

Outfit Details:
Dress - Vintage
Tights - Target
Shoes - Sears


Festival Of Trees

 A few weeks ago I visited the Festival Of Trees with Ethan and my family. They hold one every year and hundreds and hundreds of themed, decorated trees are donated. There's also wreaths, gingerbread houses and yummy treats! My photos didn't turn out so great that night so I wasn't going to post them but I decided to after all just so I could post something Christmas-y :)
This mini-tree was one of my favorites. It was made completely out of brooches and though I can't say for sure if they were vintage, it certainly gave a pretty vintage vibe!
I borrowed these darling ruffle bow shorts from the beautiful Erica of Sweets and Hearts. I've always wanted to try the shorts-over-tights look and the December weather definitely gave me that chance. The results were super comfy and pretty cute I think.
Yay for the weekend!! Last one before Christmas! Do you all have fun plans? Tonight we're dressing up and heading out to see the Nutcracker! I'm SO excited!! (hopefully the world doesn't end while we're there-haha)

Outfit Details:
Top - Papaya
Shorts - Swap from Erica through Flock Together
Tights - Forever 21
Socks - H&M
Boots - Forever Young
Bracelets - Gifts


A Day Of Silence

A lot of Bloggers are participating in a day of silence today to honor the innocent children and brave teachers killed in the recent Conneticut shooting. Since I didn't have a post planned anyway I'm joining in! I was visiting the lovely Gentri's blog and read this touching post. I just couldn't pass up sharing this beautiful poem:

twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38

when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.

their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.

they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.

they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.

they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.

"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.

"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."

when what to their wondering eyes did appear,

but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.

He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.

then He opened His arms and He called them by name.

and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring

those children all flew into the arms of their King

and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,

one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.

and as if He could read all the questions she had

He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."

then He looked down on earth, the world far below

He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe

then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,

"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"

"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"

"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"

then He and the children stood up without a sound.

"come now my children, let me show you around."

excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.

all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.

and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,

"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA



Another Mundane Monday. And another outfit featuring velvet. Yep! Expect anything else? Haha. Sorry if you were expecting some diversity on this here blog.
And, hey! Today is the LAST DAY to make me donate $1 to the American Cancer Society by following :) Thanks to everyone who's helped! I love you all!!
?Oh, and look at all that beautiful snow!! We took these photos on Saturday and it was the first time I wasn't feeling strongly opposed to snow this season. I mean it is COLD and wet and horrible to drive in but hey, it's really pretty and makes everything seem so tranquil. I think the fact that it was 35 degrees instead of the recent temps dropping into the teens helped. I can only handle so much.
I'm loving this crushed velvet dress I found for super cheap at Cotton On recently. It's the prettiest color and perfect to layer with tights and booties! The booties also showcase a love I have this season: fur. I've never really been into it but lately I'm all over it!
I attempted to "blow snowflakes" (that sounds awkward?) like this cute girl, but the snow wasn't really fluffy enough and it didn't turn out quite as good.
Outfit Details:
Velvet Dress - Cotton On
Blazer - Vintage
Tights - Forever 21
Leg warmers - Children's Place
Boots - Target
Hat - Boutique

P.S. I'm linking to Inspiration Monday today even though I didn't look at the photo until after I took these. It still kind of works....right?
(Leona Lewis)


Perfect Pleats (Flock Together)

Happy Friday Everyone!! I'm over at Flock Together today sharing how I styled this lovely vintage dress from Ashley of Southern (California) Belle. Come join me!
P.S. To all you Utah bloggers out there, this awesome Pop-Up-Shop event is going on tonight (put together by Claire & Britt)
I might try to make it after a family party, it sounds like so much fun! (Oh, and they'll give you 15% off if you blog and help spread the word)


A Blank Canvas

Can you believe I was wearing this just a week ago and now everything is covered in thick white snow?! Temperatures have been brutal lately. I'm such a baby about the cold as it is and lately it seems impossible to keep warm. To make matters worse, yesterday morning my car broke down on the way to work (which is literally 2 minutes away - I timed it) and I had to call and wake up my poor sleeping Hubby and have him drive me 2 blocks further to work to escape a face plant in the ice in my heels. My poor car was just hanging out on the side of the road for the larger part of the day.
I picked up this simple white dress on the sales rack at H&M for $20 a few months ago. Didn't even bother trying it on, I just liked the vintage inspired cut and length. Lucky for me when I finally got around to wearing it it fit like a glove! And it's pretty flattering. Win-win. I don't really own much anything in white but I love that this dress acts as a blank canvas which makes accessorizing super easy and fun!
Can you believe there's only 2 weeks until Christmas?! Seriously, where did the time go? I still have some shopping to do..this year I'm not my usual overly-excited-on-top-of-everything self. Has anyone else been a slacker like me?
Outfit Details:
Dress - H&M ($20)
Blazer - Vintage
Tights - Target
Shoes - Forever Young
Necklace - Gift
>>P.S. THANKS so much to all of you that have helped me donate! So far I'm up to $20, but there's still 5 days so make me pay more!! :) <<


Inspiration: Simple

This week's Inspiration Monday is the beautiful Jessica Timberlake. Yes, that's Timberlake, no longer Biel. It'll take some getting used to but I love her and Justin together! This outfit was super simple, the structure and texture of her blazer and the poppy shoes is what made it so great. Since I (disappointingly) don't own a cute velvet blazer or leopard shoes I went for an oversized blazer and some sparkle on my shoes. Then I felt TOO simple so I added this faux fur collar for a little fun.
I took these photos yesterday afternoon and it happened to be freezing cold and SO windy. So that explains why half my photos are in a different location. I was trying to find a place where my hair wasn't blowing every which way, especially the little strands I left out of my ponytail. Or, as my dear Hubby said "my Jewish sideburns" Nice. Haha.
So I don't know about you, but that weekend did not seem long enough. I am SO not ready for the work week. Better get some caffeine in me and brace myself! (I must be tired because when I spell checked this post I had SO many errors)
Outfit Details:
Top, Blazer and Faux Fur - Forever 21
Jeans - Forever Young
Shoes - Steve Madden via Ross
Bracelet - YuniKelly via House of Shoes Giveaway :)
Earrings - J.Crew
>>Don't forget to help me donate $1 to the American Cancer Society! 1 week left!!!<<


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