{Guest Post} Kym

Continuing with my beautiful Spring Break posters, I have the incredible Kym here today! Kym was one of those people I intantly connected with. I feel like we would be best friends if we lived anywhere near each other! She is SO funny, super stylish (of course) and I feel like we always have the same weather for some reason? Also, she's adorable and the queen of perfect layering!
- ?
Hello lovely H&GA readers!  I'm Kym and I blog over at bitty.and.bunny.  I was thrilled when Jessi asked me to guest post while she's off basking in the beautiful Bahamas.  She is one of my favorite bloggers, and she inspires me on a nearly daily basis.  How could I pass up the chance to be a part of that?!
She's asked us to put together a spring break look.  Since I'm finished with school, I no longer get spring breaks.  Which is just as well, seeing as how it's still very much winter where I live, so I don't really get spring, either.  After complaining about the cold, wishing for it to go away, and even resorting to blaming the groundhog for getting my hopes up for an early spring, I've finally just accepted the fact that it'll stay chilly for a little while longer.  It gives me a chance to cozy up in my sweaters, get a little more wear out of my tights and boots, and maybe justify a few extra hot chocolates or ten.
{h&m sweater (so similar!) & scarf | target dress (cute option) | ON tights | steve madden boots}

So on this chilly day, I decided to pull out my trusty chevron dress and throw a big sweater & scarf over it.  I bought the dress about a year ago, and since then I've come to find that it's one of the most versatile pieces in my closet.  I literally wear it a couple times every month or two (and yes, it gets washed between wearings...usually).  If you'd like to see some of the other ways I styled it, you can check them out here, here, here, here, & here, and hopefully it'll inspire you to keep on rocking your dresses throughout the entire year as well!
If you'd like to share some of the ways you style your dresses throughout the seasons, then by all means please hop on over and leave me a link!  I'd love to steal your ideas see them.
It's been great meeting you! (and by meeting you, I really mean you meeting me).


{Guest Post} Chioma

?Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend! Since I'm currently stretched out on a big boat soaking up the glorious tropical Sunshine (or something like that) I didn't celebrate much this year.
Anyway, today I have Chioma here to dazzle you all! She is the ultimate queen of color you guys! Every single time I visit her pretty blog I leave wanting to copy her color combos. She literally brightens my day (cheesy, sorry). And I'm pretty jealous of how well she rocks that pop of pink on her lips.

Hi everyone!! I�m Chioma from C�s Evolution of Style and I�m so excited to be guest posting for my friend Jessica while she�s enjoying her vacation in the Bahamas!! Jessica asked me to style my idea of a �Spring Break� look for all of you. The weather hasn't quite gotten the memo that it�s Spring yet, so to combat such unpredictable weather, this has been my everyday uniform. Skinny jeans, a vibrant blazer, and a statement bag are ideal for going shopping or out for drinks with friends during spring break! Thanks for reading and feel free to visit the blog to check out other looks I�ll be sporting for spring!

xo Chioma


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