Rainy Day

Hey there! I know I said I'd be better about this whole blogging more often thing....and then I lost the battery charger to my good camera and the USB cord to my back up camera. Haha. Just my luck..but hey! I found the charger so we're back on track!

I've been super busy with my new job. I have training all day every day! I never thought there would be so much to learn about banking!! I managed to get the weekend off from both jobs so we snapped these photos at this pretty park Saturday afternoon.

It was a rainy, overcast day. One of my favorite kinds of weather! Everything was so beautiful. I could have kept taking photos forever except me being the clumsy girl I am, slipped off a wet log and landed not so gracefully, dirtying my knees. We decided after that it was time to go get some nice warm soup at Zupa's!

Outfit Details:
tunic - ModCloth
blazer - thrifted
jeggings and boots - Forever Young Shoes
scarf  - Children's Place*
*(remember I work there, so it's not completely weird)



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