Who, Me?!

I'm proud to announce that the lovely Brandi of Run Style Run has presented me with my first blogger award!! Drum roll, please...

The Liebster award (a German word meaning 'favourite') is designed to bring traffic to bloggers who have less then 200 followers. When you receive this award, you are supposed to say 5 things about yourself that people might not know, so here it goes:

1- I'm 99% vegetarian (I can occasionally stomach a little salmon) but not for the usual reasons. I'm generally a picky eater and I just don't like the taste or texture of meat, it grosses me out.

2- I have green eyes! And I'm proud of them. Even though most people think they're blue.

3- I'm a bit of an adrenaline junkie and went skydiving the minute I turned 18 and was legally old enough.

4- I got married to the most wonderful, amazing boy when I was a month shy of 20. I always thought I'd wait until I was older but when it happens, you KNOW. (We're going on 2 years now!)

5-  I'm obsessed with frogs. I had one as a pet when I was a kid and I think they're adorable.

So, there you go. I'm passing the Liebster award onto these 5 wonderful blogs:



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