Casual Friday

TGIF!! This week seems to have dragged on... I'm so ready for the weekend. Tomorrow's schedule is pretty full but I'm determined to get some rest in before Monday comes around.

These pics aren't actually from today but let's face it, I'm a little behind on posting and I was too lazy to put together the tutorial on my awesome Mother's Day expecting that soon!

This particular day I was feeling very casual so I threw on some skinnies and my favorite blazer for a comfy cute outfit to go run errands in. (Oh and play on the swings with the hubby too) It's nice to have a few favorites on those rare occasions when you don't want to put too much thought into what to wear.

Outfit Details:
jeans - Lovesick
tank - thrifted JCrew
blazer - Forever21
shoes - Head Over Heels
belt - thrifted


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