Coni's Framing & Floral

 Yesterday I found this cute abandoned building on the side of the road I sometimes take to work and HAD to take photos by it. It's so charming and I love the paint. I was going to post these yesterday but ended up temporarily misplacing my camera...ugh. 

 This outfit showcases a few of my favorite NEW pieces. I found this perfectly dainty-collared top while shopping with a friend at non other than Forever 21. It's seriously perfection. I've already worn it to work, with jeans and tucked into this skirt. The skirt is what I chose to use my JUNIEblake gift card on! I won a giveaway from Run Style Run and was so excited because I love their stuff!

I just love the pattern and the length!

Yesterday my favorite cute mushroom box came! I ordered my ModCloth loot Monday so I was ecstatic to see it here so fast!! These shoes are officially the first piece from my new stash to make it on the blog. Yay!! They were only $13 so I couldn't pass them up and it turns out they're even cuter in person! I couldn't be happier with them.

And...I thought I'd end with this last squinty-eyed pic. Haha. I blink at the flash frequently.
How's everyone enjoying the long weekend? We drove up the canyon today with a very cute doggy and took lots of pics. I promise I'll share soon!

Outfit Details:
Top - Forever 21
Skirt - c/o JUNIEblake
Shoes - ModCloth
Belt - Vintage
Necklace - Target
Bracelet - Craft Fair


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