Blogger's Beauty Night Out

Saturday Night I had the awesome opportunity to attend a Utah Blogger Party hosted by Gentri of Gentri Lee! She hosted it to get the word out about her esthetic business, she's an AMAZING makeup artist and she gives facials and does eyelash extensions too! If you're ever in Draper be sure to visit her at Salon A La Mode!
We talked, ate, got our makeup done, took photos and made new friends. It was SO much fun!!
Look at these gorgeous banners Gentri made! SO pretty.
There was tons of prizes from Cheerfully Charmed, Perfectly Posh (c/o Tiffany), and Gentri's Mom's beautiful homemade jewelry Pixie Pie (first photo in this post). And I won an awesome watch from (kno)name!!
(^Pretty much the worst pic EVER of me and Gentri taken on my phone - haha)
(All of the lovely bloggers at the party! I'm in the very back)
Thanks again to Gentri for hosting! Funnest night I've had in a long time!! If you want to see more photos from the event or meet all of these other great bloggers head over to Gentri's blog, she has a list posted. I'm headed there now to find all of my new cute friends!
EDIT: Here's a couple cute photos I'm borrowing from Cecilia.

(funny photo with Kelsey, Danica, Cecilia, Me, Brooke & Bri)
(Me, Brooke, Sarah, Bri, Danica)


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