Come Sail Away

 Thanks everyone for all the overwhelming sweet comments on my last post!
I'm still working on getting around to all your blogs :) So, compared to the last photos (which were definitely some of my favorites so far!) today's post isn't so exciting. Haha.
The darling Jessica of Midwest Muse was nice enough to let me borrow her cute sailboat sweater so I styled it up super casual for the weekend.
(Ignore the nerdy glasses glare in these photos...)
Well, we're almost through another work week! This week has totally dragged by for me. No one wants to come to the bank when it's a total blizzard outside. It's been snowing heavy almost non-stop for the past two days, so it takes forever to get anywhere! Makes me want to just bundle up and stay inside all day after sleeping in until noon. I wish that cruise we're planning was sooner! (except, I don't. Because I'm not bikini ready)
Outfit Details:
Sailboat Sweater - Swap from Jessica through Flock Together
Chambray Top - H&M
Jeans - Nordstrom Rack
Socks & Necklace - Gifts
Booties - Target


Ice Covered Lake

I'm super excited to show you these photos! They turned out so pretty. As you might already know (if you saw the photos in my guest post) Ethan and I headed up to Tibble Fork over the weekend and the half-frozen lake and lush green trees made for some stunning scenery. (I got the idea from this girl and her gorgeous photos)
But this dress is what I'm most excited to share with you! This darling company, Tailor & Stylist offered to send me something from their shop and I couldn't be more thrilled. Seriously, the have THE prettiest vintage inspired pieces and they're all so affordable! You need to check them out! I'm already planning my next purchase.... Oh, and they're founded by a tailor (husband) and stylist (wife) who fell in love! So cute.
I love the pale pink and the pretty vintage style buttons. I swooned when I saw it in the shop and it was perfection when I put it on! Bare with me here, there's quite a few photos. I just couldn't narrow it down.
Phew! Told you there were a lot!  It's just so gorgeous up in the canyon, we went a little snap-crazy. It seems like we've been taking a lot more photos with this new camera. Well, hope the start of your week has been good! It snowed some more here. Ugh. Spring come soon!
Outfit Details:
Dress - c/o Tailor & Stylist
Jacket - Nordstrom Rack
Tights - H&M
Fur Stole - Forever 21
Lace Booties - Gift from my Sister


Guest Post: 1000 Words or Less

Hey! Today I'm over at my Aunt's brand-new blog 1000 Words or Less sharing a few photos. Her blog is basically a photo blog displaying photos and adventures she's taken with descriptions of 1000 words or less. Pretty cool idea, right? (and she just started it so she needs some love!) Head over there now to see my post HERE!

P.S. These photos are a preview of my outfit post tomorrow! I'm pretty excited about this one...


Corduroy & Dusty Mint

TGIF!! I'm seriously so grateful the weekend is here. This week has just dragged by. Work has been so slow and long and I'm ready for a couple days of freedom! I'm planning on dragging Ethan to see a horror flick tonight. He hates them but my sisters and I all love them and I need him to hold on to! It's kind of a husband duty, right?
So these photos are a little old, as in pre-Christmas and pre-new camera. I really loved this vintage corduroy dress I got to borrow from Rachel through Flock Together. Check out how she wore it here (I'm telling you her outfit is darling!) It's actually a children's dress so no wonder I like it! You all know how many items of children's clothing I own. Haha! I love the v-neck and the cute side snaps. The rich red color was perfect for the holidays but I can see this dress working for any season! For winter it went perfectly with my favorite floral leggings and vintage dusty mint belt. (yes, dusty mint is now a color)
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Anyone have any big plans or are you all just catching your breath and making plans as you go like me?
Outfit Details:
Corduroy Dress - Swap from Rachel
Leggings - Papaya
Blouse & Shoes - Forever21
Belt - Vintage/Thrifted


Guest Post : Almost Stylish

Hey! The amazing & talented Kati of Almost Stylish asked me to guest post today.
So head over HERE and check it out!
And here's a little preview:


Inspiration: Green Envy

I was a little worried about putting together such a simple outfit when I saw the Inspiration photo of Lauren Conrad but this ended up being the perfect casual weekend outfit!. I just added my scarf and jacket later in the night when we went to the car expo (I seriously want a fiat) and then out to a movie with friends. 
I loved pulling out my olive skinnies for this look. I don't get enough use out of them (since I don't even wear jeans that often). They're awesome because they work as a neutral but they're more fun than your usual neutrals. Oh and I'm in love with my new rain boots! They're practical and adorable and I've had so many compliments on them!
So, I dyed my hair darker again. I loved the ombre but the ends were fading bad and a little too light for my taste. So I had my amazing sister dye the top darker and bring the ombre back to the subtle look it began with. I feel so much better!
Oh, and if you have a minute come CHECK OUT MY POST AT FLOCK TOGETHER today :) I'm styling Marisa's lovely blue floral dress! 

Outfit Details:
Blouse - Forever 21
Olive Skinnies - Thrifted (Forever 21)
Jacket - Thrifted/Vintage
Belt - Target
Earrings - J.Crew
Booties - ModCloth


Timeless Treasures

Happy Sunday! I love Sundays. Such a relaxing, stress-free day.
Today I wanted to share those lovely vintage pieces I inherited from my Granny this past week.
These beautiful plates are probably my favorite. The red intricate design is so pretty and they have a cute story behind them too! My Grandma told me that when she and her brother were kids they were looking through a catalogue and decided these would be a perfect gift for their Mother (my Granny). Not thinking about having to pay for the plates they ordered them and Granny was sure surprised when they were delivered to the post office for her and she had to make payments on them. But she made up for it by serving every Sunday dinner on them, which my Mom still remembers from her childhood.
  I think this plaid jacket belonged to my Great-Grandfather who died nearly 30 years before Granny Mae. It was still hanging in one of her closets and it's quite large. It fits Ethan perfectly so I kept it mostly for him but I might just wear it as a very over-sized jacket once in a while because I love it so much!
 I love this beautiful purple paisley blazer and skirt set of Granny's. Purple has always been one of my favorite colors and I know I'll get some use out of this one!
My Grandma told me to keep this cute fur collar after I tried it on just for fun and she insisted t it looked good on me.
My sisters and I got to pick a couple things from Granny Mae's jewelry box and I fell in love with this beautiful pearl collar necklace. It's dead on with my style and knowing who it once belonged to makes it even more special.
The last thing I picked was this pretty pair of clip-on earrings. My ears are pierced but I love these anyway!

That's all for today. Hope you're all having a pleasant, cozy Sunday! I'll be back tomorrow for Inspiration Monday :)


Winter Blues

Anybody else ready for Summer? Or at least Spring! I mean, it's not too much to ask for time to speed up...right? I've got a case of the Winter blues bad. This year has been so much colder than any I can remember and I'm SUCH a baby about the cold. I'm dreaming of some place warm with a beach to spread out on right about now...
Today was spent laying in bed with the flu. Yuck. I feel like I've been hit by a train. I can't thank my sweet Hubby enough for taking care of me while I've been looking and feeling so gross.
This dress is another lovely Flock Together Swap. This time from Rachel. Her style is so sweet and fun. I loved borrowing this darling pale blue dress. Here's how she wore it (check out the rest of her post here)
Outfit Details:
Dress - swap from Rachel
Cardigan - Downeast
Tights - Target
Belt - Thrifted
Booties - Charlotte Russe


Happy Endings

Hello to another White Wednesday! These photos are a few weeks old but the scenery hasn't changed. There's still a thick coating of white everywhere you look. And the stubborn temperature refuses to rise above about 10 degrees. I've definitely caught Spring Fever!! Have you?
So my Granny's funeral was yesterday and I have to admit it was the most peaceful funeral I've been to. I smiled as much as I cried. I always remember her as such a happy person and I feel like she would have wanted things to be that way. I feel like she was there comforting us all :)
Since the funeral was an hour away and there was a separate viewing Monday night, Ethan and I took up the opportunity to stay at My Granny's house overnight for the first and last time. It was kind of special to see everything how it always was one last time. My Grandma was staying the night as well and let me take a few vintage pieces to remember Granny Mae by. I'm excited to show you them in the future! 
So you'll probably be seeing a lot of posts with swapped items for the next little while. I had a lot of swap stuff needing to be photographed over the weekend so I shot like 8 outfits on Sunday. Needless to say, I'll probably be posting more often as well! This lovely pale pink skirt is Ashley's. I desperately need more longer-length skirts for the Winter!
Outfit Details:
Blouse & Pumps - Forever21
Sweater - H&M
Skirt - swap from Ashley
Tights - Target
Necklace - Craft Fair
Hat - Vans


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