Ethan's Birthday (& winners!)

As I mentioned on Friday, my dear Hubby's birthday was Saturday. He turned 23 on the 23rd! (I hadn't heard this until just barely but apparently when you turn the age of the day of the month you were born on it's your "Golden Birthday" -supposedly your best birthday ever)
Anyway, since I didn't really have anything ready to post today and because I think my man is pretty cute and he doesn't make it on the blog enough, I decided I'd share some photos from his big day!
I made this card for him. I like to hand-make my cards, but they seem to always be for girls... I think I did a pretty good job making it look manly? P.S. - I'm so clever, I folded up a $20 bill like a shirt for him to use towards a band tee at the concert!
We had Lunch/Dinner at one of Ethan's favorite local restaurants, Chubby's. They have some pretty cute decor, but we found this sign kind of funny (and racist...). I got my usual, a fresh-made veggie burger and he got some meat with more meat on top like he loves to do :) (blech!)
Next we stopped for Coffee on the way to the concert since we had some time to kill. I had an amazing caramel pecan latte! But I forgot that I had a Pepsi at the restaurant just before that...caffeine overload!!
I thought this building was pretty cool. We saw it on our walk from the car to the concert venue. I wish we had time to take pics in front of it!
And then Ethan's favorite part of the night that really made it his best birthday yet:
He was already pretty stoked that one of his favorite bands, 10 years, was playing on his birthday but then he got a chance to meet the lead singer, Jesse Hasek after the show and get his new t-shirt signed and that REALLY made his night!! It was a really good show and I love this venue because it's smaller so you get such an intimate performance.
And since this is a style's what I wore to the concert:
I tried to keep it simple and wear a few layers since it was a blizzard that night and we had to wait outside for quite a bit before the concert started.
Outfit Details:
Jeans - Forever Young
Top - Papaya
Chambray Top - H&M
Leather Jacket - T.J. Maxx
And the WINNERS of the $30 JUNIEblake  gift cards are....
#71 - Kym Nye
#10 - April Hansen
CONGRATS Girls!! I'll be emailing you ASAP.
(click here to see the rafflecoptor results)
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