Soft & Subtle

 Happy Hump Day, ?Friends!! ( I always feel a little perverted when I say that... haha, can't help it).
Today I have another Valentine's inspired outfit for you! (#3). This time I went for something super soft and subtle. I'm loving the monochrome look lately but I'm so used to contrast in my outfits so I couldn't full commit just yet. Instead I played with two shades. A pale pink and beige. I wore this to work without the belt but ended up feeling like it needed a little color and shape to break it up. I like it much better with the belt! Oh, and we took these photos in a hurry as the sun was setting so pardon the less-than-optimal quality.
This sweater/cardigan was something I picked up from ModCloth during the sales. It was the last one left and I couldn't pass it up! I love the ruffles, the different texture and I wish you could see the sleeves! I can't wait until it's warmer so I can wear it more. Actually everything but the shoes in this outfit was on sale for a killer price! I got the skirt at Ross and the blazer at Forever21 on clearance.
Do you all have exciting plans for Valentines tomorrow?! I want to hear :) We're waiting until Saturday to really celebrate since we're pretty busy during the week, but I'll be thinking love-y thoughts all day!
Outfit Details:
Top (cardigan) - ModCloth
Blazer - Forever 21 (clearance!)
Skirt - Ross
Belt - Vintage (thrifted)
Shoes - Forever Young
Earrings - J.Crew

(Linking with WIWW, Rolled Up Pretty & I Feel Pretty)

UPDATE: Before I forget! Here are all the Winners from the Firmoo Giveaway! (CLICK HERE to see the rafflecoptor results)

FREE pair of glasses winner:
-Katherine McAdoo
$30 voucher towards designer glasses winners:
-Carisa Muller
-Caitlyn Pearce
-Meg Smitherman
-Courtney Robertson
-Heather Morris
CONGRATULATIONS!! I'll be emailing all of you today :)


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