Tucked In

Today was one of those rare days where I wore jeans. I'm constantly dressing up and I love it, but once in a while it's nice to have a lazy day. And on those days jeans, a loose fitting shirt and sandals can be perfection.

I found this top for a whole $5 last week and I've already got my money's worth out of it! It's perfect tucked into my jeans or flowing loosely over my slacks at work. I love how the back is longer too.

The Hubby got me these sandals for my birthday a little over a month ago and they easily became my favorite. They're the perfect color, strappy, unique and so comfy! I can't get enough.
So is anyone doing something super fun for the fourth of July? I'm not quite sure what our plans are yet. Fireworks have been banned in our neighborhood because of several fires started in nearby areas. We'll probably just end up watching, not setting off our own.

Outfit Details:
Top - Cotton On
Jeans - LoveSick
Cardigan - Hollister, several years ago
(super embarassing)
Sandals - Gift from Hubby
Bag - Tai Pan Trading
Necklace - Etsy



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