Inspiration Monday: Cozy Layers

Another Monday. But this one's better than most. No work today! Can I just tell you how much I love working at a bank?! We get ALL the holidays off! Today's excuse? Columbus day. Any other lucky peeps out there have the day off?
Any who, linking up to Two Birds today with my interpretation of the lovely Rachel Bilson's ensemble. I always love her style. Seriously, doesn't she always dress well?! And what could be better than a blazer over a sweater, especially in the ever-growing cold weather we've had lately!

It may look somewhat warm in these photos but there was a mean breeze! I'm wearing a button down shirt, a sweater, and a blazer and still freezing my butt off!!

I actually kind of forgot I had this sweater and sleepily pulled it on after finding it on the floor early Saturday morning before work. I'm so glad I rediscovered it because besides being super comfy it's also kind of the perfect cut/fit. I need more sweaters like it!
Well, hope you all had an awesome weekend! We ended up going to see The Possession (a horror movie, which I had to drag the Hubs too ;) ) And just chilling with family. It was pretty nice and low-key. I'm glad this week is here! It's gonna be a good one for sure!!
Outfit Details:
Shirt -
Sweater - T.J. Maxx
Blazer - Pac Sun
Jeans - Nordstrom Rack
Socks - Target
Boots - Forever Young Shoes

(linking to Modern Modest Beauty's Sunday Style today too)

Don't forget to enter my Shabby Apple Giveaway! And, if you want to save 10% on a purchase just enter code: generalattitude10off


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