Inspiration: Simple

This week's Inspiration Monday is the beautiful Jessica Timberlake. Yes, that's Timberlake, no longer Biel. It'll take some getting used to but I love her and Justin together! This outfit was super simple, the structure and texture of her blazer and the poppy shoes is what made it so great. Since I (disappointingly) don't own a cute velvet blazer or leopard shoes I went for an oversized blazer and some sparkle on my shoes. Then I felt TOO simple so I added this faux fur collar for a little fun.
I took these photos yesterday afternoon and it happened to be freezing cold and SO windy. So that explains why half my photos are in a different location. I was trying to find a place where my hair wasn't blowing every which way, especially the little strands I left out of my ponytail. Or, as my dear Hubby said "my Jewish sideburns" Nice. Haha.
So I don't know about you, but that weekend did not seem long enough. I am SO not ready for the work week. Better get some caffeine in me and brace myself! (I must be tired because when I spell checked this post I had SO many errors)
Outfit Details:
Top, Blazer and Faux Fur - Forever 21
Jeans - Forever Young
Shoes - Steve Madden via Ross
Bracelet - YuniKelly via House of Shoes Giveaway :)
Earrings - J.Crew
>>Don't forget to help me donate $1 to the American Cancer Society! 1 week left!!!<<


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